This is the site for people who want to join or support The Bozeat Windmill Singers, a mixed four part choir for experienced and novice singers; currently of approximately forty-five members, that meets Tuesday evenings during school term time at the St. Mary's Church Community Hall, Allens Hill, in the village. We sing a broad range of musical genre, ranging from modern and popular, show songs and medleys, through to light classical etc.
9-Jan Tues. Choir meetings and rehearsals restart at 7.30pm in St. Mary's Church Community Hall, Allens Hill, Bozeat NN29 7LW.
20-Feb Tues. No rehearsal.
23-March Sat. Easter Concert at Rushden Heritage Centre 7.30 pm.
26-March Tues. Last meeting before Easter break.
2-Apr Tues. Easter break.
9-Apr Tues. Easter break.
16-Apr Tues. Choir meetings and rehearsals restart at 7.30pm.
16-May Thurs. Salvation Army Rushden 1.45pm
28-May Tues. No rehearsal.
21-Jun Fri. Songs Of Praise The Little Chapel Bozeat 7.30pm.
20-July Sat. Summer concert
23-July Tues. Last meeting before summer break with a bring and share.
3-Sept Tues. Choir meetings and rehearsals restart at 7.30pm.
29-Sept Sun. Harvest Festival Easton Maudit Church 6.00pm.
29-Oct Tues. No rehearsal.
7-Dec Sat. Christmas Concert.
8-Dec Sun. Carols by Candlelight Easton Maudit Church 6.00pm.
10-Dec Tues. Last rehearsal of the year. Christmas bring and share.
28-January Tuesday 6.00pm.
This page was last updated on 21 November 2024.
© Bozeat Windmill Singers 2024. All rights reserved.