This is the site for people who want to join or support The Bozeat Windmill Singers, a mixed four part choir for experienced and novice singers; currently of approximately forty-five members, that meets Tuesday evenings during school term time at the St. Mary's Church Community Hall, Allens Hill, in the village. We sing a broad range of musical genre, ranging from modern and popular, show songs and medleys, through to light classical etc.
We are a mixed ability four part choir of around 41 members. We sing for pleasure, and pride ourselves on our friendliness, and the warm welcome given to newcomers.
We meet on a Tuesday evening (school term times) 7:30-9:30pm at the St. Mary's Church Community Hall, Allens Hill, Bozeat. We break during the evening for tea and coffee which gives us a musical pause, and a chance to catch up with each other.
Our age range is wide and we like to encourage younger members from the community to join and experience a mixed choir. We now offer 10 free places in the choir to students over 18.(Please contact us if you are eligible at
We have a wide repertoire from numbers from West End musicals to Sacred music, with a sprinkling of rock and pop in the middle (See our current repertoire link). Our library holds around 150 music scores, and with some of our members being amongst the founding participants over 30 years ago they have tackled all sorts in their time.
New members for all parts are always welcome, though in particular basses and tenors to build up our male section. Contact us through our e mail address and the Membership Secretary will telephone you to answer any questions you may have.
There are no auditions; and no requirement to read music though of course some ability to do so always helps. Many of our members however do not read music.
If you are unsure of your vocal range, try out singing in a couple of the sections.
There are two main concerts of our own during the year, one at Christmas which raises funds for our running expenses; and a Charity Concert in July. A different charity is chosen each year and all profits from the concert go to the good cause.
The concerts are always popular giving a blend of the serious and the light hearted, often with a few non vocal items included.
We are available to sing at weddings and other such events. We are booked for concerts by groups wishing to fund raise.
We support the local community, singing at some of the key village celebrations such as Christmas and Harvest Festival.
Members who wish to sing solos in our concerts, or join with other members to sing in a small group are encouraged to do so.
We keep our fees as low as we can and they are currently £40.00 per term, around £3.00 a rehearsal! Your first 2 weeks are at no charge, so that you can come along and see if Bozeat Windmill Singers is for you. As our music is expensive we do ask for a refundable deposit of £20.00 on your stack of copies.
In addition to meeting up at rehearsals we hold a number of social occasions during the year. Regulars are a New Year meal, a Summer meal and the fish and chip evening, with a quiz or two thrown in.
This page was last updated on 4 September 2024.
© Bozeat Windmill Singers 2024. All rights reserved.